4 Tips to Help Your Business Ace Omnichannel Communication

Nearly 73% of consumers shop on more than one channel – with every additional channel they used, the shoppers spent more money in the store. Of those consumers, a whopping 90% expect seamless, consistent personal experiences no matter which channel they choose. That’s why businesses must have an effective omnichannel marketing strategy in place to attract new customers. Delivering an omnichannel approach to customer communications provides a wealth of value.

A well-executed omnichannel communication strategy is when a business creates a consistent, easily recognizable, and integrated customer experience across all relevant channels. So how exactly can your business deliver this level of consistency?
Here are 4 tips to get you started.

Tip #1 – Centralize All Customer Communications

If businesses want to stay competitive in today’s market, they need to be available where their customers are and have multiple contact points. This can include Google, Facebook Messenger, Web chat, text, and the list goes on and on.

Yet, keeping track of all those platforms can be time-consuming. Plus, with so many places to keep on top of messages, it’s way too easy to let some of them slip through the cracks.

When a shopper wants to Know, Go, Do, or Buy, they oftentimes need an answer. With NextPaw, that shopper can find and message your business from: Google Search, Google Maps, Google Phone, Facebook, Instagram, Text Message, Your Website, Store Locators, and more!

Tip #2 – Context for Every Conversation is Key

Customers don’t want to repeat themselves just because they switched channels. Yet this happens far too often, in fact, 33% of consumers are most frustrated by having to repeat themselves to different team members.

Many businesses struggle with this challenge because customer interactions happen across multiple platforms, making it hard to keep track of specific questions, appointment requests, and communication history.

The NextPaw omnichannel inbox makes it easy to view the entire messaging history for any contact in one convenient location. This allows your team members to easily keep track of previous chats and messages and have context for all customer conversations.

Tip #3 – Use Message Templates for Quick, Consistent Communication

77% of consumers choose, recommend, or pay more for a brand that provides a personalized service or experience. Delivering on brand personalized service and experiences means your team needs to be consistent in messaging.

If your brand’s voice isn’t consistent when it comes to customer messages, it’s going to lead to bad customer experience. That’s where message templates can help.

Creating go-to templates for common questions, appointment confirmations, or reminders will cut down on the time you spend responding to inbound messages and put your team in a prime position to deliver quality service.

And that, my friends, is what we call a win-win, productivity-style.

Tip #4 – Technology is Your Friend – Embrace it!

Every effective omnichannel communication strategy is supported by a good bit of software to help businesses deliver quality customer experiences. Not only will technology make actioning all of these tips much easier, but it will provide additional benefits for your business.

Building an omnichannel communications strategy may seem intimidating, but it shouldn’t. NextPaw’s suite of messaging tools makes it easy to engage with customers on any channel while freeing up time to focus on more complex interactions.

Omnichannel Communication Isn’t Just Another Passing Business Trend – It’s Here To Stay.

Consumers love it and they connect more and for longer with businesses that get it right. So, for the sake of your business’s bottom line, claim your free NextPaw business listing and take control of conversations with customers no matter where they reach out from.

Take these tips on board and Click Here to get your business started on the omnichannel communications journey.


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