Pet Retailers, Step Up Your Game with a Pick Up Time Option at Checkout

The latest and greatest in pet retail: ask your customers for preferred pickup times at check out! 

This enables your business to have more flexibility and fine-tune your pick up times to your business’ needs! This will also enable you to evaluate the average order fulfillment and customize time slots so no more scrambling for inventory creating happy and loyal customers. 

The pickup time option makes it easier for you to prepare and be ready for your customers which makes for an overall better shopping experience. 


Why would your pet retail business need a time slot option? 

Social distancing and efficiency have never been more important than now, amidst a global pandemic. Customers want their orders on time and as fast as possible, because what else do you have to look forward to when you’re stuck in the house? They also value the ability to plan their days accordingly.  

By asking for a pickup time at check out it allows for a more organized process not only for your customers but also for your personnel. 

How to Use the Time Slot Option

By having a convenient and easy check out process for customers, your pet business already has a leg up on the competition. No customer wants to do extra work if they don’t have to, so make it as easy as possible for them. By being easier for the customers, they are more likely to return and become loyal customers because of how smooth their buying process is. 

Ask for your pickup time at check out with the simple drop-down menu. This cultivates a win-win situation where customers don’t have to contact you for details, and you aren’t spending time on repetitive questions. This setting makes the customer journey seamless and more comfortable.

Allow Orders to be Placed Outside of Operating Hours

Setting your hours of operation, allows customers to order outside of normal business hours but knows the time options for them to pick up their orders. Customers can place orders for pick up after hours, and they will then be informed of when they can come to get their items. This encourages customers to order immediately instead of waiting until you’re next open. 

In the end…

With the pickup time option, your customers will be able to have a quick and easy transaction while enhancing their shopping experience. This also pairs nicely with our payment request option directly through SMS messaging. With the SMS messaging, customers can easily pay you directly from their smartphone.


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